The Check-in Client is a tool used to replicate the
resources tree in the Governance Registry into your file-system or to a
dump file. Much like a version control system like Subversion (SVN), you can
do checkout, check-in and update operations using this tool.
To read more, check this link.
This feature can be used in 2 ways.
1. Super Admin users.
2. Tenant users.
Role -Admin - Super Admin
1. To checkout via admin, use the following command in bin.
sh co https://localhost:9443/registry/ -u admin -p admin
2. It will create a folder called _system.
3. To checkin a file you create inside governance, use the following steps.
First to create a file, go in to governance inside _system and,
vi readme_admin
It will create a file named readme_admin.
4. To add it to the repository, (you have to run checkin-client from the bin)
sh ../../ add readme_admin https://localhost:9443/registry/ -u admin -p admin
sh ../../ add readme_admin -u admin -p admin
5. To check the status,
sh ../../ status
6. To commit the file,
sh ../../ ci -u admin -p admin
For a different tenant/ Tenant User
E.g., Tenant is created as
A role inside - ushaniR
users inside ushaniR - ushani/pwrd-ushani, ushani1/pwrd-ushani1
1. To checkout via a tenant, use the following command in bin.
sh co https://localhost:9443/t/ -u ushani1 -p ushani1
2. To add a file in to repository,
sh ../../ add readme_ushani1
3. To commit.,
sh ../../ ci -u ushani1 -p ushani1